torsdag 28 september 2017

Elliot heads and Mon Repos beach 2016-12-25

After Lady Musgrave reef, see blogpost here, we stayed i Bundaberg and its surroundings for during the next day. Good thinking when planning the trip as we really needed this day to rest after the ordeal at sea the day before. 😃 Perhaps it wasn't that bad, after all... Anyway, we found this place with nice beeches pretty close by, called Elliot heads. My wife and I had also a plan to go see the turtles at night in Mon Repos, but as this was Christmas day, nothing was open..

Elliot heads turned out to be a decent spot for shorebirds. Instead of bathing, I walked around the mud and sand flats looking for whatever could be found. Below are some photos of the findings. 

Mon Repos also turned out well with a couple of my target species for this trip - the Red-backed Fairywren in particular as I had missed that one during my day with Greg (see this link for more from that day)

Elliot Heads
Striated Heron (mangrovehäger, Butorides striata)
Red-capped Plover (rödhuvad strandpipare, Charadrius 
This bird was another which I really wanted to see, before going to Australia. But to be fair, there are a lot of my target species left for the next trip, whenever that will happen...
Red-capped Plover (rödhuvad strandpipare, Charadrius 
Australian Pied Cormorant (australisk skarv, Phalacrocorax 
Red-necked Stint (rödhalsad snäppa, Calidris ruficollis)
Curlew Sandpiper (spovsnäppa, Calidris ferruginea)
Grey-tailed Tattler (sibirisk gråsnäppa, Tringa brevipes)
Red-necked Stint (rödhalsad snäppa, Calidris ruficollis)
Pacific Golden Plover (sibirisk tundrapipare, Pluvialis 
Bar-tailed Godwit (myrspov, Limosa lapponica)
Far Eastern Curlew (orientspov, Numenius 
Far Eastern Curlew (orientspov, Numenius 
Beach Stone-curlew (kusttjockfot, Esacus magnirostris)
Terek Sandpiper (tereksnäppa, Xenus cinereus)
Caspian Tern (skräntärna, Hydroprogne caspia)
Black-naped Tern (svartnackad tärna, Sterna sumatrana)
Lesser Sand Plover (mongolpipare, Charadrius mongolus)
Pied Oystercatcher (australisk strandskata, Haematopus 
Grey-tailed Tattler (sibirisk gråsnäppa, Tringa brevipes)

Mon Repos
Whistling Kite (visselglada, Haliastur sphenurus)
Rainbow Bee-eater (regnbågsbiätare, Merops ornatus)
Varied Triller (vitbrynad drillfågel, Lalage leucomela)
Red-backed Fairywren (rödryggig blåsmyg, Malurus 
Bar-shouldered Dove (blåbröstad zebraduva,
Geopelia humeralis)
Square-tailed Kite (tvärstjärtad glada, Lophoictinia isura)
Square-tailed Kite (tvärstjärtad glada, Lophoictinia isura)
Olive-backed Oriole (grönryggig gylling, Oriolus sagittatus)
Eastern Osprey (australisk fiskgjuse, Pandion cristatus)
Laughing Kookaburra (skrattkokaburra, Dacelo 
Silvereye (gråryggig glasögonfågel , Zosterops lateralis)
Red-backed Fairywren (rödryggig blåsmyg, Malurus 
Peaceful Dove (billabongduva, Geopelia placida)
Birds in Elliot Heads (as always, the most common are left out of this list)
Striated Heron (mangrovehäger, Butorides striata)
Australian Pied Cormorant (australisk skarv, Phalacrocorax varius)
Beach Stone-curlew (kusttjockfot, Esacus magnirostris) *
Pied Oystercatcher (australisk strandskata, Haematopus longirostris) *
Red-capped Plover (rödhuvad strandpipare, Charadrius ruficapillus) *
Pacific Golden Plover (sibirisk tundrapipare, Pluvialis fulva)
Lesser Sand Plover (mongolpipare, Charadrius mongolus)
Far Eastern Curlew (orientspov, Numenius madagascariensis) *
Bar-tailed Godwit (myrspov, Limosa lapponica)
Ruddy Turnstone (roskarl, Arenaria interpres)
Curlew Sandpiper (spovsnäppa, Calidris ferruginea)
Red-necked Stint (rödhalsad snäppa, Calidris ruficollis)
Terek Sandpiper (tereksnäppa, Xenus cinereus)
Grey-tailed Tattler (sibirisk gråsnäppa, Tringa brevipes) *
Caspian Tern (skräntärna, Hydroprogne caspia)
Black-naped Tern (svartnackad tärna, Sterna sumatrana)
Nankeen Kestrel (nankinfalk, Falco cenchroides) *

Mon Repos:
Eastern Osprey (australisk fiskgjuse, Pandion cristatus) *
Square-tailed Kite (tvärstjärtad glada, Lophoictinia isura)
Whistling Kite (visselglada, Haliastur sphenurus) *
Olive-backed Oriole (grönryggig gylling, Oriolus sagittatus)
Peaceful Dove (billabongduva, Geopelia placida)
Bar-shouldered Dove (blåbröstad zebraduva, Geopelia humeralis)
Laughing Kookaburra (skrattkokaburra, Dacelo novaeguineae)
Rainbow Bee-eater (regnbågsbiätare, Merops ornatus)
Red-backed Fairywren (rödryggig blåsmyg, Malurus melanocephalus) *
Brown Honeyeater (brun honungsfågel, Lichmera indistincta)
Varied Triller (vitbrynad drillfågel, Lalage leucomela)
Little Shrikethrush (mindre törntrast, Colluricincla megarhyncha)
Grey Shrikethrush (grå törntrast, Colluricincla harmonica)
Silvereye (gråryggig glasögonfågel , Zosterops lateralis) *

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